“Lok Kalp Foundation is a CSR(Corporate Social Responsibility) initiative by Lokmanya Multipurpose co-op society, Chairman Mr. Kiran Thakur (Maama) and vice chairman Mr. Ajit Gargatti has adopted 32 villages around the Belgaum district, which is located in the thick forest of Jamboti and kankumbi surround areas. Lokkalp foundation conducted a General Health Checkup camp along with Dr. Kavita Ajetrao and Wellness Care Center Team in Maan Village on March 04, 2023, which is around 50 kms and located in thick forest and the peoples were checked with RBS(Random blood glucose), Blood Pressure, and weight checking and according to their health issues given free medicines to the Maan Village peoples and same we had an Eye Checkup camp on January 10, 2023, by Netradarshan Eye care center and free spectacles were distributed to the Maan Village people on March 4, 2023, Lokkalp Foundation and people were responded good to the camp and around 70 peoples were attended the camp and benefited. Lok Kalp Foundation’s volunteers MR. Santosh Kadam, Mr. Anant Gawade, Ms. Suhasini pedneker, and CSR(corporate social responsibility) official corporate staff Mr. Surajsingh Rajput, Mr. Prasad Asukar, and Mr. Pritesh Potekar and many other village members were present for the camp.

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