On a bright and sunny day in Daroli Village, a heartwarming collaboration unfolded between the Lok Kalp Foundation and the KLE Dental Camp dated January 12, 2024, this partnership brought dental care and education to the doorstep of this serene village, leaving smiles brighter and hearts warmer.

Daroli Village, a picturesque gem in the heart of Khanapur Taluka, Belgaum, became the center of attention as approximately students from the government school including other villagers attendees 66, transformative camp. The Lok Kalp Foundation, known for its dedication to social welfare, and the KLE Dental Camp, renowned for its expertise in dental care, joined hands to make this day possible.

The event kicked off with an opening ceremony attended by the enthusiastic students, respected local figures, healthcare experts, and representatives from the Lok Kalp Foundation and the KLE Dental Camp. The event set the stage for a day devoted to promoting oral health and well-being.

Students and villagers alike were given the unique opportunity to consult with experienced dentists from the KLE Dental Camp. These compassionate professionals conducted thorough dental check-ups, offering valuable guidance on oral hygiene practices.

Educational sessions on oral hygiene were held to empower participants with the knowledge needed to maintain healthy smiles. These sessions, especially beneficial for students, emphasized the importance of regular brushing, flossing, and routine dental check-ups.

Distributed free Toothpaste and Brush for students.

Official Lok Kalp Foundation person Mr. Surajsingh Rajput and volunteers Mr. Santosh Kadam and Mr. Anant Gawade were present for the camp.  KLE dental Mr. Sagar, PRO and other doctors who consulted and treated and other villagers and government school teachers were appreciated as same.