Parwad Village, nestled in the heart of Khanapur Taluka, Belgaum, witnessed a remarkable collaboration on January 30, 2024, as the Lok Kalp Foundation joined hands with the KLE Ayurvedic Camp for a life-changing health camp. This event, held in one of the 32 villages adopted by the Lokmanya Multipurpose Co-op Society Ltd, brought together approximately 60 individuals who were eager to explore the healing potential of Ayurveda and improve their overall well-being.

The Lokmanya Multipurpose Co-op Society Ltd, under the visionary leadership of Founder and Chairman Shri. Kiran D. Thakur, has been dedicated to the holistic development of rural communities. The society’s commitment to upliftment and progress led to the adoption of 32 villages, including Parwad Village, with the aim of providing them with essential resources and support.

In this endeavor to improve the lives of the villagers, the Lok Kalp Foundation, known for its dedication to social welfare, and the KLE Ayurvedic Camp, renowned for its expertise in traditional Ayurvedic practices, came together. The collaboration sought to provide comprehensive healthcare solutions, empower the community, and raise awareness about the benefits of Ayurveda.

The success of this joint initiative was evident in the heartfelt gratitude expressed by the participants. Many attendees conveyed their appreciation for the opportunity to explore the benefits of Ayurveda, learn self-care techniques, and witness the transformative power of ancient wisdom.

As the event concluded, Corporate Official Person Mr. Surajsingh Rajput, volunteers Mr. Suhas Pednekar, Mrs. Suhasini Pednekar, and Mr. Anant Gawade were present.  KLE Ayurvedic Belgaum Mr. Shridhar, PRO and doctors team organized and supporters were honored with a well-deserved vote of thanks.  Their dedication and efforts had undoubtedly left a lasting impact on the lives of those who attended.