The Lok Kalp Foundation’s stall became a focal point of interest at the esteemed Big Marathi Entertainment Awards in Pune, as veteran actress Varsha Usgaonkar paid a visit. Engaging in a dialogue about Lokkalp and its innovative products, Usgaonkar was warmly...
Lok Kalp Foundation with Venugram Hospital Belgaum collaborates for General Health Camp in Kapoli Village Lok Kalp Foundation join hands with Venugram Hospital Belgaum for General Health Camp in Kapoli village dated April 24, 2024. Lok Kalp Foundation, CSR...
Upcoming Project CSR Initiative Lok Kalp Foundation: Distribution of School Bags in 32 Adopted Villages by Lokmanya Multipurpose Co-op Society Ltd With reference to the above mentioned subject, excited to announce and share some exciting news regarding the upcoming...
Lok Kalp Foundation is a corporate social responsibility (CSR) program by Lokmanya Multipurpose Cooperative Society Limited. It is an initiative by Shri Kiran D Thakur, founder chairman Lokmanya Society, Editor & chief of Tarun Bharat Daily Belgaum, to create lasting changing in the lives of the people of the villages.
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