On 21 January 2025, Lok Kalp Foundation, in collaboration with Venugram Hospital, successfully conducted a Free Health Camp at Otoli Village in Khanapur. The camp witnessed an overwhelming response, benefitting nearly 105 villagers who availed themselves of essential health checkups and consultations.
The medical team from Venugram Hospital included Dr. Sana Hudli, Nurse Arifa, and PROs Srikant Patil and Jagdish Belgaonkar, who worked diligently to address the health concerns of the villagers. From Lok Kalp Foundation, Kishore Naik, Sandeep Patil, and Volunteer Santosh Kadam actively supported the camp, ensuring its smooth execution.
This initiative reflects the foundation’s commitment to improving healthcare accessibility in rural areas, especially for underserved communities. Lok Kalp Foundation continues to empower lives by addressing critical needs and fostering a healthier future for the people of Khanapur.