In the realm of intellectual sports, chess stands as a beacon of strategic thinking, patience, and skill. At Hemadga School, these qualities were on full display as the chess competition unfolded, culminating in a successful event that showcased the students’...
On a bright and sunny day in Daroli Village, a heartwarming collaboration unfolded between the Lok Kalp Foundation and the KLE Dental Camp dated January 12, 2024, this partnership brought dental care and education to the doorstep of this serene village, leaving smiles...
Lok Kalp Foundation, in partnership with Netradarshan Superspeciality Eye Hospital unit of Dr. Agarwals Eye Hospital, is delighted to announce the successful completion of a free cataract eye operations for Mr. Laxman Kallappa Patil and Mr. Krishna Irappa Patil...
Certificate of appreciation presented to Solapur marketing team for donating profit from Mahesh Kale event to Lok Kalp Foundation . Regional Manager shri sudatta pathak presented the certificate to shri rahul mukund aradhye
Lok Kalp Foundation is a corporate social responsibility (CSR) program by Lokmanya Multipurpose Cooperative Society Limited. It is an initiative by Shri Kiran D Thakur, founder chairman Lokmanya Society, Editor & chief of Tarun Bharat Daily Belgaum, to create lasting changing in the lives of the people of the villages.
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