On May 29, 2023, a significant collaboration between Netradarshan Eye Hospital, a unit of Dr. Agarwal’s Eye Hospital in Belgaum, and the Lok Kalp Foundation took place in Amboli Village. This collaboration resulted in an eye camp aimed at providing free eye...
In a commendable joint effort between KLE Ayurvedic Shahapur and the Lok Kalp Foundation, an ECG (Electrocardiogram) camp was organized in Kankumbi village on May 26, 2023. This collaborative initiative aimed to provide free cardiac screenings and promote heart health...
In a remarkable display of corporate social responsibility (CSR), the Lok Kalp Foundation, in collaboration with the KLE Ayurvedic Camp, organized a health camp in the rural village of Talawade village on May 19, 2023. This initiative aimed to address the healthcare...
KLE Yellur General Health Camp: Bridging Healthcare Gaps in Nerase Village in Collaboration with Lok Kalp Foundation on May 17, 2023, villages 32 adopted by Shri. Kiran Thakur, Founder and Chairman Lokmanya Multipurpose Co-Op Society Ltd. Located approximately 15...
Olmani Village experienced a remarkable collaboration on May 12, 2023, as the Lok Kalp Foundation partnered with the KLE Ayurvedic Camp for a transformative health camp. This event brought together approximately 80 individuals who sought to embrace the...
Lok Kalp Foundation is a corporate social responsibility (CSR) program by Lokmanya Multipurpose Cooperative Society Limited. It is an initiative by Shri Kiran D Thakur, founder chairman Lokmanya Society, Editor & chief of Tarun Bharat Daily Belgaum, to create lasting changing in the lives of the people of the villages.
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